5 Tips for Successful Holiday Campaigns - Silverlight Digital - New York Media Agency

5 Tips for Successful Holiday Campaigns

CEO Lori Golberg, Silverlight Digital writes for iMedia ConnectionSilverlight Digital’s CEO Lori Goldberg writes for iMedia Connection

November and December traditionally drive 30 percent more online revenue than non-holiday months, with as many as 92 percent of holiday shoppers either researching or purchasing their gifts online.

Here are strategies to keep in mind to ensure you close out the year with strong performance metrics.


Start by revisiting customer profiling

Often times, as businesses grow and new products are introduced, the nuances of target markets can shift. These adjustments can impact buying and planning decisions, where your customers are spending time online, or the ratio of your budget that should be allocated to various platforms (such as desktop vs. mobile).

For example, one client we’re working with has a retail product whose price has dropped by about 50 percent. Their strategy was to move more products off the shelves and access competition at a lower price point. As a result, their target market’s household income is in a different bracket than it used to be. Part of our strategic planning with this client has been to reassess the new consumer household income bracket and reveal new critical information to engage with this new target customer. If your holiday campaigns involve large discounts for Black Friday or Cyber Monday, be sure to include these new target customers in your research.

Silverlight Digital’s CEO Lori Goldberg writes for iMedia Connection

November and December traditionally drive 30 percent more online revenue than non-holiday months, with as many as 92 percent of holiday shoppers either researching or purchasing their gifts online.

Here are strategies to keep in mind to ensure you close out the year with strong performance metrics.


Start by revisiting customer profiling

Often times, as businesses grow and new products are introduced, the nuances of target markets can shift. These adjustments can impact buying and planning decisions, where your customers are spending time online, or the ratio of your budget that should be allocated to various platforms (such as desktop vs. mobile).

For example, one client we’re working with has a retail product whose price has dropped by about 50 percent. Their strategy was to move more products off the shelves and access competition at a lower price point. As a result, their target market’s household income is in a different bracket than it used to be. Part of our strategic planning with this client has been to reassess the new consumer household income bracket and reveal new critical information to engage with this new target customer. If your holiday campaigns involve large discounts for Black Friday or Cyber Monday, be sure to include these new target customers in your research.

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