Pulse: A Google & Silverlight Digital Event | Media Strategy Experts

Pulse Videos

Pulse is our annual Google + Silverlight Digital event, exploring the latest trends and digital best practices for pharma & healthcare marketers. Subject matter experts from Google and Silverlight Digital come together to share strategies that include marketing sustained patient health and using analytics to map the patient journey. 

Below is a collection of video highlights from past events.

Silverlight Digital Pulse ’20 Conference: Is There a Doctor in the House?

How are doctors responding to online advertising? In this panel discussion from Pulse ’20, doctors share their thoughts on mobile marketing, patients’ use of “Dr. Google”, the role of search engines in rare disease diagnoses, the popularity of medical apps, and more. Hosted by Silverlight Digital CEO, Lori Goldberg.

Published by Silverlight Digital as a part of Pulse 2020


Silverlight Digital Pulse ’20 Conference: YouTube Channel Strategy for Pharma

Google’s Cesar Cocco hosts this presentation on how pharmaceutical marketers can properly leverage a YouTube Channel strategy to optimize video content for patients and healthcare professionals.

Published by Silverlight Digital as a part of Pulse 2020

Silverlight Digital Pulse ’20 Conference: Conquering Conquesting

Silverlight Digital’s Director of Search and Social Media, Ruth Nightengale covers bidding on your competitor’s brand names in paid search advertising (known as conquesting to SEM managers).

Published by Silverlight Digital as a part of Pulse 2020

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Silverlight Digital Pulse ’20 Conference: Many Ways to Measure Success

Silverlight Digital’s Director of Strategy, Peter Niemi reveals how a new approach to campaign analytics can reveal surprising results and where breaking the rules may pay off in the end.

Published by Silverlight Digital as a part of Pulse 2020

Silverlight Digital Pulse ’18 Conference: HCP and DTP and Video Trends Through the Eyes of Google

Presented by Leland Candler, Google’s Head of Industry for Pharma, this video segment from Pulse ’18 takes an insider’s view of Google’s recommended best practices for pharma and healthcare video marketing.

Published by Silverlight Digital as a part of Pulse 2018


Silverlight Digital Pulse ’18 Conference: Rooting for a Challenger Brand

Presented by Meredith Hughes, Search and Social Media Director, Silverlight Digital, this video segment from Pulse’18 looks at how challenger brands can effectively position themselves to take marketshare and compete with leading national brands in the healthcare space.


Silverlight Digital Pulse ’18 Conference: The 10 Million Patient Focus Group

Presented by Dr. Jon Roberts, Chief Innovation Officer, Verywell, this video segment from Pulse ’18 looks at the realities of how consumers and caregivers use search engines to find medical information, with some surprising results.